You don’t realize how addicted to technology you are until you lose it

My family moved into a new house on Wednesday. We were suppose to have telephone service kick in that day. That never happened.

We were suppose to have tv and internet by Thursday. That never happened.

So, my wife and I were without phone, internet, and tv until late today (Friday). We had our cell phones, but we felt completely shut out of the world.

Sure we were unpacking most of the time anyway, but it would have been nice to have the tv tuned into the news or another show in the background.

Luckily, we had our Sesame Street dvd collection and Blue’s Clues for our son. We also have the entire season of 24 on the AppleTV to catch up on, so we watched some of that.

Finally, late this afternoon we had FIOS set up for all three services. It was like a breath of fresh air knowing we were reconnected.

It is kind of sad how our society is so locked into technology and the internet.

(I had over 50 lovely emails from various companies wanting my money happy to greet me on my return.)

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