Off somewhere in the land of Paradise, lived Yancy and Mir.
Yancy was smiling fine young fellow, callow and tan.
Mir was island girl, thin and beautiful, dark and wise.
On their island was a Tiki hut, serving as a tavern.
Above the bar was a broken surfboard someone painted.
A painting of the sea, dark blue above, light blue below.
Divided by a thin white line of surf, a few lines for seagulls.
Mir would dream on that painting, day by day. Island Fever.
To cross that sea to Babylon, be a waitress or beautician.
Yancy saw only wealth and fortune beyond the sea.
Now Yancy and Mir loved each other since childhood.
They always knew they would wed and make fine children.
But Island Fever, even in Paradise, can drive one insane.
Yancy was the first to go, in an old dingy, driven south.
Not long after, Mir caught a boat stateside to her dream.
Island got lonely, quiet nights, fine hot days, empty surf.
Yancy never found treasure, but avoided pirates and slavery.
After many years, he returned to Paradise, older but no wiser.
Mir was gone to her dream, never to be heard from again.
But she had a younger sister, Riki, who walked the beaches.
Riki, who was content with her smiling tan callow fellow.
They and their children played and grew old in Paradise.
And they burned that surfboard with its painting of the sea.
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