Would a full screen iPod hurt iPhone sales?

I’ve been reading a lot of commentary lately, and listening to podcasts, that fall into the camp with the opinion that the next iPod will not be an iPhone without the phone. These people think that an iPod like that will hurt iPhone sales.

I’m in the camp that totally disagrees with this opinion. While a full screen iPod might take away a few iPhone sales, it won’t hurt it at all. I highly doubt most people will go into the store looking for an iPhone and walk out with a full screen iPod instead. Those that do might be the occasional customer who has a cell phone, and decides to just buy an iPod, keep his/her cell phone, and save some money. As I said, I think this will be an occasional customer.

Even though the iPhone has a great iPod, most people are not buying it because of the iPod. They are buying it because it is an iPod, a web browser, AND A PHONE. Emphasis on the phone part.

Plus, let’s not forget the fact that the back-to-school season and the holiday buying season are coming. Apple has to do something to refresh the iPod. Just updating the OS with some new features and more storage probably won’t be enough to get current iPod users to buy a new one (I could see that for the Nano). Even leaving out the wireless internet features and going with the full screen feature would be enough (for now).

So, what do you think? Would a full screen iPod hurt the iPhone? Leave your comments below.

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