Wishing Steve (and us) Well

Steve Jobs has announced he will be taking a “medical leave of absence” until June.

You and I can batten down the hatches for a storm of doom-sayers, and others whose lack of knowledge and expertise qualifies them to predict the future of Apple, Inc.

How does that affect us?

If you own stock, it’s going to do one of three things immediately — go up, down or stay stable. And all three, eventually. So, if you’re into Apple, Inc., hang tight. Surprisingly Steve’s presence is as much decorative as it is useful.

If you’re a fanboy or girl, nothing’s is going to change for a while. We loved Mac in the dark days of the 90s and we’ll continue to do so now that market share is over 10% of new computers sold. If you count “All computers in use,” market share is significantly higher.

If you’re the average Mac user, you’re just happy you don’t have to putz around getting a Windows box to work. “Steve Who?”

If you are a mainline journalist for CNN or just a hack blogger, THERE’S GOLD IN THEM THAR ILLS! Remember the three ‘P’s of yellow journalism, “Pontificate, Prognosticate, Prevaricate.”

So the rest of us can lean back and watch the muckrakers and bottomfeeders capitalize on Steve’s Pancreas. Just remember that they get paid by the word.

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