Airport reception in the old house was no problem, heck the entire house was made of tissue paper and cardboard tubes. The new house features sturdy mud hut type construction and this is murder on the wirless signal.
To alleviate this problem I went to the local CompUSA and bought a range extender. It’s made by dlink so it should work flawlessly with my Dlink 614+ wireless router. It doesn’t, I can’t tell any difference whatsoever. My next plan is to move the range extender to the G4 tower (the range extender is also a wireless to ethernet bridge) if that doesn’t work… I’ll try something else, like reading the manual.
Game of the Day:Dinner Party A cool logic game. Deep thanks to mymac’s most humorous denizen Beth Lock Personal Fave entry of Beth’s Domain Names
TV Pick: Well Tuesday night TV looks lame so no pick. Instead I will award the Prestigious SHOW THAT MUST BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS prize (first of many I’m sure) Tuesdays Honoree: Waterworld Congrats Mr. Costner that’s one big steaming pile of over production you have there.
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