We are only 10 days into WInter here in NH, but you’d hardly know it.
Here in Southern NH the normal average snowfall is 14.5″ for December.
Right now, it’s snowing out side and we’ve already had 31″…and we are expecting another 6″ to 10″ overnight. Boston is expected to break it’s all time December record snowfall total.
Here in Southern NH we have lots more snow than Boston. While Boston averages about 45″/year, we average 70″ here.
Another storm is expected on New year’s Day, but that will be 2008.
I had a 21″ snow pack just before Christmas Day, then we had a mild stretch and some rain which cut that in half, back to around 10″.
We keep track of these things at http://www.RichLefko.com.
The question I have for all of you out there in blog-land is this:
What kind of Winter are you having?? Did you have a White Christmas? Colder than normal, just average, or something else?
My house–early morning.
A tree we decorate for Christmas:
My road that looked so good last Fall:
Happy New Year everyone…I hope my back holds up!!
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