Will Success Spoil Roger Born?

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Apple to me has always been about the Mac.
The Mac is indulgent, permissive, forgiving, etc.
The Mac is all about giving wing to our dreams,
Yada, yada.

When the Mac was not cool; and Think Different was a mantra ~
When it was just used by the ‘Fringe,’ I was more comfortable.
I could fight for the Underdog, and champion the Downtrodden.

I loved the heat of the battle, against the Man with his Windows.
To speak about the freedom to create, to be free and productive.
To spin stories and scenarios of some darkwindowed Future.

Not any more.

Apple is not about just the Mac any more.
Apple is about TV Devices and Communication Devices.
It is about billions of songs, and ever increasing Market Share.

It is not just about the Mac, and that gives me pause.

If the Mac is no longer about the Fringe or the Dreamers ~
Then I am thinking that I am only trying to live in the past.
I have nothing to say to all the Newbies about what
It is that they have in their hands – still Sophisticated,
Cutting Edge, Uber-cool, and more Productive than Anything.

Will there come a day when everyone has a Mac?
Will there be a time when it is all like this for everyone?
Will they even guess at their heritage at all?
Will they know? Will they care?

I feel like a freedom fighter, after the war is won.
An old Warrior, out to pasture. Not gone, but forgotten.
Success is not a comfortable garment for me.
I still want battles to fight and wars to win.

Do any of the rest of you feel this way?

Roger Born


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