Why I’m fliying on September 11th

This weekend I’ll be traveling to Boston for the first-ever PodCamp, representing iProng and in particular iProng Radio. This event only came into existence a few weeks ago, and the founders have built it from the ground up in that time, but they’ve built so much momentum in such a short period of time that I think really has the chance to be something special. iProng is a Media Sponsor, and there will be an iProng table as well as a seminar offered by my co-host Shelly Brisbin, but I’ll be there mainly to learn. iProng has fully embraced podcasting only fairly recently, and I’ve got some catching up to do. Never too late to start learning.

The weekend agenda is filling up pretty fast (inclcuding an off-site concert and a party at Harvard, of all things), but if any of you native New Englanders have suggestions on what this first-time Boston visitor shouldn’t miss, I’d love to hear them. And by all means, if you have any potential interest in podcasting at all and you live within driving distance of Boston, come out and join us for PodCamp. Full registration is completely free, but registration is required nonetheless.

On another note, because the dates of the event are September 9th and 10th, the only real logistical choice for an out of towner like me is to fly home on September 11th. I was hoping to avoid doing so, simply because I didn’t want to deal with the presumably long security delays that are likely to occur on that particular day. But so be it, and if things do get goofy with security, at least I’ll have stories to tell. Ironically, I have no fear of flying on September 11th for any potential safety reasons. I just don’t want to miss my flight because the guy in front of me has toothpaste in his carry-on.

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