Who Stopped The Rain (and Killed All The Bees)?

Bad enough we discovered that our US Navy ultra-low sonar underwater broadcasts have supposedly permanently deafened all the whales and dolphins, but now scientists are finding that WE may be the very ones who have killed off all the bees too.

HERE is the link.

It is all our Cell Phone Towers, transmitting, that may have caused all the little buggers to lose their way home and die forlorn in an endless search for the hive.

Most likely, our Airport and wireless WiFi zones are not helping either, if such is the case.

Goodness gracious! Without Bees, we are not just without Honey, there is no one left to pollinate all our food crops, orchards and gardens. Without these things being pollinated, there will soon be no crops at all. (It is not just increased prices at the supermarket that we should be worried about here, folks.)

Stopping the rain, (and causing the heavy Spring snows, rising seas and rampant Desertification) with Global Warming (supposedly caused by Man), is one thing, but nearly instant STARVATION is quite another.

Can you say the word Irony? This may not be just another Urban Legend, or a cheesy B-movie Science Fiction plot. This one may be for real.

Oh well, we can all talk and text about this on our cell phones, while everyone starves to death.

Film at 11.


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