Who says that’s not me on Rodman’s shoulders

Yesterday I published a photograph of myself perched atop Dennis Rodman’s shoulders on the Lollapalooza mainstage, but some (clearly confused) MyMac readers seemed to think that the hairy dude in the photo was not me but instead Lollapalooza headliner Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam.

In hindsight, given the angle of the photograph, I don’t blame readers for making such a mistake. But in going through our Lollapalooza photos, I’ve uncovered a similar photograph taken from a slightly different angle, and I think this one makes it clear just who that is riding piggy-back on Rodman.

Since anyone who knows me knows that I don’t have Chris Seibold’s Photoshop Skills, I’m sure you’ll all concur that this photograph is one hundred percent unaltered, and reveals just what was really going on that night:

I hope that clears up the controversy.

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