Who doesn’t like warm Apple Pi?

Who woulda thunk it? Mrs. Serle’s little boy Guy, all grown up and in demand to speak in front of a group of Mac enthusiasts (GULP!). I’ll be talking about what it was like to write not only for MyMac.com, but also for the Washington Apple Pi Journal where I actually got my start writing (ahem) professionally. Also, some how-to podcasting stuff and the general nonsense that usually occurs when someone puts a microphone in front of me. I’ll also be taking questions from the audience on whatever topic they see fit to ask me.

I’m hoping that Russ Walkowich will be joining me as well, but that will probably depend on what his schedule is like and whether he REALLY wants to see what I look like at 9:30 in the morning. My wife is now somewhat immune and stopped screaming in terror a few years ago. At least that’s what she claims.

Of course joining the Apple Pi here in the DC area might not be for everyone. You may live somewhere out of the area (I’ve heard that it happens) for example. If so, find a local user group and join! Getting information off the web is great, but there’s nothing like having someone in front of you to give you all those tips live and in person.

If you are within 50 miles or so (only those outside that area have a valid excuse), please join me at the Washington Apple Pi General Meeting on March 24th at 9:30 am. Visit their web site Washington Apple Pi for all the details on the wheres and whens! Hope to see you Saturday!

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