Which Method for Upgrading to Leopard

As many of us prepare to upgrade to Leopard, I thought I’d pose this question about which method users are using to do their Leopard upgrade. If you’ve already upgraded, which method did you use? If you haven’t upgraded yet, which method do you plan to use and why?

Here are the three upgrade options:

1. Upgrade Mac OS X (the default upgrade method)

2. Archive (your hard drive content) and Install

3. Erase and Install (which means that you re-import all your hard drive content after doing the upgrade.

My copy of Leopard doesn’t arrive until Monday, but based on reading Joe Kissell’s book, Take Control of Upgrading to Lepoard, I will probably do Erase and Install on my three computers: Macmini, G4 Powerbook, and Mac Pro G5.

Kissell’s book, by the way, seems to cover all the things you should consider in making the upgrade. His ebook can be downloaded for $10.

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