Where’s My 30th Anniversary Mac?

“The world-shaking event that never happened.”

That’s what it is. On Apple’s Twentieth Anniversary, there was that uber-cool, thin, expensive little Mac Plus draped in metal and wood. Remember?

But that was a different world back then. That was then. This is now.

Will Apple say anything on Saturday, the anniversary of it’s thirtieth year of existence?

Will there be a party at Cupertino?

Is there talk of cake?

Will there be fireworks?

Will there be a Thirtieth Anniversary Macintosh? (Say, a silvery slim palmtop clamshell with a 16×9, 9 inch monitor?)

Will there be a new iPod phone?

A wide screen iPod AV?

A touch screen iPod?

A gamer’s iMac?

A new Apple PDA?

News that all Macs will now run Windows apps natively?

Surely, as most everyone thinks, at least some of these things might see the light of day before next January.

But what about two days from now?

Is anyone home, there at 1 Infinity Loop?

This is the Information Age, people. We are not supposed to wait days to hear what is happening, like people used to, when Charley Lindburg flew the Atlantic. or when Admiral Bird saw the North Pole. We need our news NOW, or even before it happens, right?

Sumbuddy call somebody!

Then, give us a call/email/telegram/visit to let us know whassup?!

Roger Born
“Out of my mind. Back in five minutes”


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