What’s A Non-Football fan to Do?

Folks, I must say that sadly, I do not have the football gene. Yes, I am one of those rarest of rare men, who won’t be watching the Super Bowl.
I plan to finish “The DaVinci Code”, then spend some quality time with my growing DVD collection.

Now let me say that if you are a football fan, well, tomorrow is your day. Let me say that I hope the New England Patriots win. Let me say that I really like a lot of the food associated with Football, such as hot wings and smoked Kilbasa. (probably spelled wrong) But for whatever reason, I just don’t have the football gene. It simply was not included in the hand I was dealt from the Genetic deck of cards. I have wondered how many men suffer from this affliction.

Fun facts: 100 years ago, before football was invented, the most popular spectator sport in this country was track bicycle racing. The most highly paid professional athlete at that time was “Major” Marshall Taylor, an African-American man who had incredible strength and handling ability on the bike. The ultimate cycing events at that time were the legendary “six day races”. Riders would literally race on indoor tracks for six days, around the clock. Talk about guts….

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