Most of you probably don’t remember when the Labor Day was observed on its actual date, and not on the first Monday of September. Likewise, Memorial Day was also observed on its real date, and not on the last Monday of May. Alas, I’m old enough to remember this. In 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday act, with the intention of giving Americans more three day weekends, which is something that every red-blooded American cherishes. Oh yes, These new, three day weekends were good for the oil companies too, as red-blooded Americans would take to the roads in their cars, and buy gasoline to keep those cars running. Of course, that could not possibly have been part of the plan, could it? Nah.
I must say, I am a little surprised that a law moving the Fourth of July to a Monday has not been put in the works yet. Some might cry foul at the dare mention of this, messing with America’s Birthday, but c’mon folks, another three day weekend! And in July, one of the best months of the year. Yep, I am surprised that the Cheney machine has not gone to work on this one. But, you never really know, do you?
So, what on earth am I talking about? Well, it would seem that for a steadily increasing number of Americans, this years Fourth of July is simply going to be another day. Going to the Supermarket last Saturday evening for my usual stock-up of groceries, I noticed this hand-written sign on the front door of my local Shaw’s Market: ‘We are open on the Fourth, 9 AM to 6 PM. Huh? When did this happen? There are ads from businesses in local papers, cheerfully announcing that ‘We’ll be open on the Fourth! Said businesses include such essentials as liquor stores and discount drug stores, which I’m sure are stocked to the ceilings with cheaply manufactured grills and Kingsford charcoal. And the employees of those establishments? I’m sure they’re being compensated for the time they’ll work, according to applicable labor law. I just hope there’s no bullying to work involved, on the part of the management. But I have no problem imagining that somewhere, there’s a hard-eyed manager who has said, or will say, ‘If you don’t show up on Wednesday morning, don’t bother coming back on Thursday! I think these characters breed on wet airport bathroom floors.
My question simply is this: What ever happened to holidays? To be sure, there have always been certain types of businesses that would function on all holidays. Police and fire departments, of course. They never close for any reason. Ditto for hospital emergency rooms. Some restaurants have always been open on holidays. Gas stations used to be another matter. When I was a kid, the local Flying-A station (Yes, I know I’m really dating myself here) was closed on all holidays, but the stations out along the Turnpike and local highways would be open. (But of course.) Long before the age of the big, corporate chain pharmacy, most drug stores were independently owned and managed. Where I grew up, the local drug store was the Russell Pharmacy. Old Mr. Russell could not only fill your prescription, but he could make a kick-ass ice cream soda as well, in the store’s soda fountain. (Really dating myself!) This drug store was definitely not open on holidays, and only for a limited number of hours on Sunday. Its being closed on holidays didn’t present any kind of problem for anyone, strangely enough. Overall though, holidays were quiet times. They were meant to be. People were supposed to relax, and enjoy life. Apparently, this way of thinking is outmoded today.
Today, holidays are slowly being diluted. They are becoming the same as any other day. Busy, hectic, stressful, noisy. More and more people are going to work, instead of taking the holiday off. Is this a good thing? I hardly think so. People need to be able to clear their heads and re-charge themselves. Holidays were always good to do that. Now, we’re losing this, along with so many other things. So, a lot of people will be working on the Fourth? I predict that in the next ten years, we’ll lose Thanksgiving and Christmas. Heck, we’re right on the edge of losing Thanksgiving now, with retail stores opening at ridiculous hours on the Friday after. You can make the argument that ‘But it’s what people want!, but I don’t buy it. People didn’t’ need it, or want it at all a generation ago. Why do they need it now? Uh-huh. As for Christmas, I can see the ads in the circulars now: ‘We’ll be open starting at 7 AM on Christmas, for your shopping convenience!. ( And why does my alarm start sounding, anytime I hear those words, ‘for your convenience?) Go ahead, mark you calendars now, then we’ll sit back and wait.
So, I’m done ranting. To everyone out there, have a great, and safe, Fourth of July!
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