It started out as a question a freind asked me at work. Everyone has thought about it from time to time, but it is still fun to think about. What would you do if you won the lottery? This being a magazine dedicated to Macintosh computers and user’s, I thought it would be fun to poss this question to the readers! So I sent out a request to everyone who subscribes, asking just that.
Here is the body of that message.
Hello My Mac readers!
Let me tell you why I am writing. This is a survey for the December issue of My Mac (#8). If you do not want to participate, I understand.
Here’s the deal. You have just won the lottery. (Say ten million)
The catch, however, is that you MUST buy some computer equipment
with it. So, what would you buy?
What I am looking for is three or more items, listed, that you would buy.
Such as…
#1. Power Macintosh 9500
#2. A Zip drive
#3. ect…
You get the point! I want to publish the results in the December issue, so I will need this back by 11/17/95. If you get this request after said date, please send it in anyway! I may update the list in the January issue!
The reponse was overwelming! But before I give you the results, here are a sample of the letters I recieved for this survey…
To DS9DS9,
#1–Power Mac 9500 (Do I need it? Hell no! But with ten million, why not buy a machine that could run all of NASA!)
#2–A honkin’ huge monitor (20″ at the absolute min.). God damn do I hate a small screen!
#3–A PaperPort Vx, cause I hate snailmail and dead trees lying around the desk.
#4–Are you kidding? Call up MacWarehouse and say: “One of each please.”
From: CZEL
(I like CZEL’s #4 the best myself!-Ed.)
Hi Tim,
Here are my survey answers:
1. Daystar Genesis MP
2. ISDN or Fractional-T1 line… What the heck, if I have 10 million to spend, I might as well go with a full T1
3. A joystick
There’s a reason why mice aren’t found on arcade game machines.
From:George Louie
(I feel like this should be on a test,”Pick the one that does not belong.” Answer:#3, A joystick! By the way, George, last I heard, the Daystar Genesis Mac clones were behind,and that as of early October, they could not yet provide a working prototype?-Ed.)
To: DS9DS9
First, I would buy a BIG monitor (21 in). Then more hard drive space, a gig I guesss. Plus, I need a faster modem, 14.4 just isn’t cutting it. Also, I would love a Color Laser printer, or at least one that can take 11×17 paper. Have I used up the alotted moolah yet? If not, then software, software, software!!! Would like to see what Ray Dream Designer is all about. Hope this helps!
From: Drybean
Here’s what I would buy with money in hand:
1) a Supra 28.8 modem with FlashROM
2) A ZIP drive and 10 extra disks
3) An H-P DeskWriter 660 printer
4) A good single-pass color scanner
5) An APS or Apple external drive of around 500-750 megs.
6) An APC Smart-UPS 700 power supply
Now, if I had enough moolah, I would get a new PowerMac or PowerComputing machine with a 100mz or better., but who wouldn’t want that? And If I got that I’d want at least 32 Megs of memory and an Apple or Sony 16-17 inch monitor.
From: JimMoravec
To: DS9DS9
A scanner? I don’t know much about them, and want to learn more before I sink some money in one…could you do an evaluation and review on several of the more modest type’s?
From: MKlemm4844
(Tell you what, I will test any scanner you wish, as long as you can convince a company to send me one!-Ed.)
1. DEC mainframe with about 4 133Mhz RISC processors and around 2GB RAM. The one I create user accounts on at work has 2GB RAM. The thing already comes with a floppy drive and CD-ROM.
2. 21″ Nanao monitor.
3. Windows NT
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
(For those wondering, I also posted my question on our local First Class Server, and Allan is our resident PC guru. A really nice guy, if you look beyond that annoying PC thing!-Ed.)
Now on to the results!
#5. 28,800 bps modem. Many different models were listed.
#4.Power Mac 9500 with all the toys. Humph. I thought this would be a sure number one, myself!
#3. A Scanner. Again, many different models listed. Seem’s a lot of you want to start scanning stuff into your computer!
#2. A big monitor. Either many readers have bad eyesight, or everyone has the “bigger is better” mentality. Radius and Sony got the most votes here.
#1.A Color Laser Printer. (To print what you scanned?) Hewlitt Packard won this one hands down!
So what do these results tell us? For one, many of you are happy with the computer you already have, and really just want more toys for it. I really did think more people would choose a high end computer than what they did, what with the 9500 coming in forth.
Why a Color Laser printer at the number one spot? On most returned list’s, almost no one chose this as number one, but almost everyone listed it. Thus, it got more “votes” than the others.
These results also tell us most My Mac readers are practicle people. Many of you chose items in the $1,500-$6,000 range. There are many products that cost a lot more money, and if you won ten million, what’s the problem?
Me? I say what CZEL said. Call up MacWarehouse and say: “One of each please.”
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