What was I thinking?

This past summer I wrote about “Back to School” sales starting at the beginning of July, and how each year they start earlier and earlier.

Fast forward to today-

The winter has finally arrived here in Baltimore, Maryland. After weeks of mild temperatures we finally had a week of FREEZING cold temperatures.

I was cleaning out my closet, and I decided I needed another long sleeve shirt, or two, or three. As a result, I went shopping.

What did I find? All of the cold weather/long sleeve merchandise was on clearance racks and practically gone! The “regular” section was stocked with short sleeve shirts, shorts, and bathing suits. Yes, I said bathing suits! in the middle of the winter!!!

I left the store with two short sleeve shirts, and nothing else.

Who would have thought that in the middle of January, in a city that usually has a cold January, I would not be able to buy weather appropriate clothing?

Well, I’m off to buy some bathing suits for June (in January), because if I don’t I’ll be buying ski pants in June to take to the pool.

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