Problem is, everyone is so tough to shop for. Everybody already has everything there is, or at least one of everything that exists, right?
Your family is the same way? So is mine. How odd. How awful. Impossible to shop for any of them, including my wife, who is the Gadget Queen, or my Son who drives up the stock of Apple all by himself. Etc., etc., ad infinitium, ad nauseum.
So, this year I have come to a perfect solution. You all are welcome to use it, at no cost, from me. Gratis. You don’t even have to cite me as the Originator or copyholder.
First, follow along, as we give our out gifts to each other on Sunday night, the Advent of our Lord, otherwise known as Christmas Eve. (What? You going to make everyone wait till Monday morning?)
I have a new check, signed and dated, but with no recipient filled out, for the amount of One Thousand Dollars. I have it in a beautiful gold gift envelop, with a clear window, so everyone can see what is inside.
This is my gift to my daughter-in-law, Marnie. Marnie gets a thousand dollars for Christmas! You can imagine how pleased she is, as we all sit around in the living room, with the Christmas tree all lit up and the fireplace going.
Marnie also has a gift to give, so she gives the check for a thousand dollars to my wife. Merry Christmas, Connie! Marnie says its a gift from both her and Chris, our son.
Connie also has a gift to give too. She gives the check to Chris, our son, from both of us. Chris is delighted to get a cool thousand dollars for Christmas!
Chris has a gift to give too. He gives the check to our youngest son, Dave. Dave got a thousand dollars for Christmas too! Everyone is rejoicing.
Dave has a gift to give too. He gives me a thousand dollars too, in the form of a familiar blank check. I have a thousand dollars for Christmas too!
We all do, er, did.
We all gave a thousand too.
What? You think I keep it?
Nope. I tear it up.
It was my check to begin with. I don’t need anything either. I am not going to spend it on myself. Besides, what do I need. I am the in the same boat as the others. I already have everything, and am in need of nothing.
Cool plan, huh?
Much better than what we usually do, which is to spend a grand on everybody in our family and they all do the same. THAT’S FIVE GRAND WE ALL SPEND AT THE STORE!
My way costs ZERO, and gives exactly the same good feeling of getting and giving.
Plus, there is none of the major hassle of driving everywhere, shopping, standing in lines, fighting crowds, building up major credit debt, etc., etc.
As a double bonus, nobody has to find room in their already overstuffed house, attic, basement, for all the things they got for Christmas that they neither want nor need.
You want to know how to make all of this even better? Don’t tear up that check. Send it to an orphanage, or a down-town mission, or to Feed The Children, or to your favorite charity. And let everyone in your family contribute to what you send, so you all get to share in the giving.
After all, it is Jesus’ birthday. He’s the one who said “It is better to give than to receive.”
Merry Christmas.
Roger Born
“Who sponsors your feelings?”
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