What is ABC thinking?

There are three TV shows I watch on a regular basis: LOST, 24, and Alias. I never miss an episode of either show, and when they are on you better not call me.

For those that watch Alias you already know that this is the last season. If you didn’t know that, I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you.

Anyway, I just read that ABC has scheduled the Alias finale on the same night as the 24 finale! What are they thinking?

Why move the show from Wednesday night to Monday just for the finale? (my guess is the LOST finale is on the same week and they didn’t want to skip a week of either show like they did last year). Both are two hours, so their going to overlap somewhere.

Haven’t they already lost enough viewers for Alias with no episodes since December? They could at least let the show go out with style and not put it on at the same time as 24!

I’m sure I’m not the only fan of both 24 and Alias who will be going crazy that night. VCRs and Tivos will be in full use for the evening.

24 or Alias? Alias or 24? Which one should I watch while it airs, and which do I watch on tape?

There better not be a thunderstorm that evening causing the power to go out! Neither show is available through iTunes, and I’d lose my mind waiting for the DVD releases! Guess I have to get my friends to tape backups!

Sorry, had to vent. Leave your comments below.

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