Ever thought about what you, as an ordinary type of person, might have in common with someone rich, and / or famous? Maybe even someone who is one of your heros?
Well, it seems that I know have one more thing in common with Mr. Jobs.
Besides being quite comfortable in blue jeans and cotton turtlenecks, (He wears wranglers, I’m a confirmed Levi’s man. Oh, and not all of mine are black. And yeah, I do have a thing for New Balance shoes.) It seems we both have the same type of vision problems.
The last time Steve did a keynote, I noticed he had to change his glasses when he sat down at a computer. Well, guess what? I know get to do likewise. I wear glasses to see things at a distance, and now, I need to take those off, and don another pair for “up close” stuff, such as seeing a computer screen.
Ahh, the wonders of mortality.
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