What geeky thing would you most like to have?

If you’re like most aging baby boomers (‘boomertards” in official 20-something newspeak), you have probably been engaged in a lunchtime conversation where the question ‘Ginger, or Mary Ann?” has come up. For those who either came in late, or who just never watched that totally lame-but-still-funny show called ‘Gilligan’s Island”, the question refers to the two babes on the show. One was the movie actress named ‘Ginger”, played by Tina Louise. The other was the farm girl named ‘Mary Ann”, played by Dawn Wells. It’s simply a question of who you, as a young male with thundering hormones, preferred. For the curious, I belong firmly in the Mary Ann column.

So, it occurs to me, on this bleak, windswept, raw-feeling April afternoon, that this principal could be easily applied to a lot of geeky things from both tv shows, and the movies. Before we begin, I should point out that I don’t have cable tv service. It’s an expense I seem to live just fine without, although I do appear to have missed out on Battlestar Gallactica, probably the most talked about science fiction program in recent years. I do have one episode, which was a freebie from the iTunes music store. Definitely looks like it might be worth some DVD rentals from Netflix. So, on to the totally non-competitive geek survey, and remember, no gambling permitted. Just pick what you think is the best, or what you would like to have, if having it were even a remote possibility.

Hero figure you’d like to be with, in a serious jam, Movies:
-Indiana Jones, any of the Indiana Jones movies.
-Luke Skywalker, Star Wars.
-Han Solo, Star Wars.
-Ellen Ripley, Alien.
-Rick Deckard, Blade Runner. (Bruce’s pick)

Hero figure you’d like to be with, in a serious jam, Television:
-Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek, TOS.
-Sergeant Joe Friday, Dragnet.
-Sarah Connor, The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
-Jack Bauer, 24. (Bruce’s pick)
-Fox Mulder, The X-Files.

Sidearm you’d like to have, Movies.
-Rick Deckard’s gun, Blade Runner. (Bruce’s pick)
-Han Solo’s blaster, Star Wars.
-Phaser from any Star Trek movie.
-James Bond’s Walther PPK.
-Any of the dozens of guns used by ‘Mr. Smith” (Clive Owen) in ‘Shoot ‘Em Up”.

Sidearm you’d like to have, Television:
-Phaser, cool type, Star Trek TOS. (Bruce’s pick)
-Phaser, dust-buster type, Star Trek TNG.
-Laser pistol, Lost In Space. (First season models only. Others need not apply)
-The machine gun used by Napoleon Solo on The Man From Uncle.
-Fox Mulder’s SIG-Sauer P226, The X-Files.

Residence you’d most like to live in, Movies:
-Rick Deckard’s apartment, Blade runner. (Bruce’s pick)
-The house, The House on Haunted Hill.
-Hell House, The Legend of Hell House.
-Tony Stark’s seaside mansion, Iron Man.
-The Amityville horror house.

Residence you’d most like to live in, Television:
-Collinwood, Dark Shadows.
-1313 Mockingbird Lane, The Munsters.
-The Addams Family mansion, The Addams Family
-The Brady House, The Brady Bunch
-Nick Knight’s loft apartment, Forever Knight. (Bruce’s pick)

Fantasy babe you’d most like to spend some time with, if it were even remotely possible, Movies:
-Pris, the ‘basic pleasure model” from Blade Runner.
-Ellen Ripley, Alien.
-Princess Leia, Star Wars.
-Elektra, from the movie of the same name.
-Trinity, The Matrix. (Bruce’s pick)

Fantasy babe you’d most like to spend some time with, if it were even remotely possible, Television:
-Xena, the warrior princess.
-FBI Agent (and medical doctor) Dana Scully, The X-Files.
-Doctor Susan Lewis, ER. (Bruce’s pick. Hoo yeah!)
-CSI Natalie Boa Vista, CSI Miami.
-Sarah Connor, the Sarah Connor Chronicles.

If you could have your world look like the world depicted in any TV show, or movie when you wake up tomorrow morning, it would be:
-The starship Enterprise, Star Trek, TOS.
-The starship Enterprise, Star Trek, TNG.
-Los Angeles of the year 2019, as depicted in Blade Runner. (Bruce’s pick)
-The city where the night never ends, Dark City.
-Peaksville Ohio, Twilight Zone.

By all means, feel free to add as you see fit. Have at it.

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