What ever happened to ONE MORE THING?

So I’m sitting here at my computer watching coverage of today’s press event. New iMacs, iLife, iWork are all great and over due. An upgrade to .Mac is welcome (although I didn’t here anything about improved SPAM filtering in email). There was even a Mac Mini upgrade that Steve did not make a presentation about.

Even more of a surprise is that there was a question and answer period following the event.

At the end of the question and answer period I was waiting for Steve to proclaim “Oh yeah, there is one more thing…” Unfortunately, nothing. I was thinking there would be a release date for Leopard, or maybe an early release, or something!

It seems like “One more thing” is disappearing from the keynotes. Sure, there was one at WWDC, but nothing that “One more thing” is known for.

This is suppose to be the “WOW” moment.

Well, hopefully it will be back in the future. I have to go spend some money in the Apple Store now…..

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