What ever happened to….

What ever happened to….

* … nodding or waving thank you when a driver lets you cut in front, stops so you can cross, makes room for you to pass, signals you on first at a 4 way stop, makes room in the lane for you to change lanes, etc. etc. etc. The simple act of saying thanks seems to be totally missing in drivers these days. Just today, I counted at least 6 times where I did something where I would expect a simple hand wave or nod, and NOTHING! ARGH! No wonder people will not let you change lanes!

The kicker? A guy starts pulling out of a parking place almost backing into me. I honk, and he slows, but does not stop. So I throw it in reverse and move out of his way. Not good enough, this asshole decides that he wants to come the direction where I am now (both ways exit, and either is easy.) So he pulls towards me right in the middle of the lane, but there is not room to pass. Does he back up, stop, or pull over? No, he comes up almost to my grill and stops. So, I back up again and make room. This asshole looks right at me with a glare, and drives on. No wave, no nod, no thank you. SIGH! This is when I wish paint ball guns were legal in a car. You shoot people with a paint ball when this happens, and after about 10 blotches, a cop pulls them over and writes them a ticket for being a jerk!

* … watching where you are walking? I cannot count the number of times I have either had people walk into me, or I had to quickly move aside to make room. Typically, these are people either talking on their cell phone or blasting tunes in their ears with an iPod. Middle aged male executives, with middle aged female executives the worst of the lot. Am I the only one who feels they are constantly having to move out of the way of other people as they walk?

And since when did walking 4 and 5 abreast mean that you can keep walking that way when people are coming in the opposite direction? Does this only happen in San Francisco?

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