What do you want in the next iPod?


I just read the article at the link above which is a list of the writer’s top 10 features wanted in the next iPod. Some of the items on this list I agree with, others I don’t get. As for buying right from the iPod: This would be a nice feature but I’d prefer it to be left out. I already spend enough money through iTunes, I don’t need to spend more through my iPod.

Here’s my list for an iPod and/or Nano and/or iPod to be named later(in no particular order):

1. AM/FM radio – There are still some AM stations that are nice to listen to.
2. Mini speaker – Sometimes you just don’t want the headphones.
3. Bluetooth – Wireless syncing, and wireless headphones.
4. Thinner and lighter form factor – Self explanatory
5. Some form of click wheel – I like being able to reach down to my iPod clipped to my belt and change the volume with the click wheel.
6. Wireless internet – again, self explanatory
7. Bigger screen, but maybe not full screen – see #5
8. Double as an Apple remote for computers – I know, WHAT?
9. Removable battery – I always carry a spare camera battery so why not be able to carry a spare iPod battery?
10. Scratch resistant screen – My current iPod got a hairline scratch when I took it out of the box!

Oh, I almost forgot, how about a price reduction?!?!? I guess that would be #11.

What would you like to see in the next iPod?

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