What do you think of MobileMe?

In July Apple will be replacing .Mac with MobileMe. MobileMe promises a new online interface (long overdue) for Mail, Photos, Calendars, Addresses, and more. It also is “Exchange for the rest of us.” This should make the current syncing method a lot easier and better.

Personally, I’m excited about the .Mac overhaul. I’m hoping the SPAM filter is improved and customizable.

I really like the new iDisk and the bump to 20gb from 10gb. From the online video, the new iDisk looks a lot faster (this remains to be seen). You can also send downloadable links through the new iDisk so that recipients can download large files instead of receiving them in email.

Overall, I really like MobileMe- except the name. Why not keep .Mac? Even .Mac’s predecessor had a better name- iTools. Okay, I can live with MobileMe, but me.com for an email address? I don’t want to use me.com for my email address. I like mac.com much better. It just does not sound right. It doesn’t even sound Apple like.

Luckily, we can keep our .Mac email address with MobileMe.

So what do you think of the new .Mac? or should I say MobileMe?

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