What do you backup with Time Machine?

I’m getting ready to install Leopard on my iMac, and one of the features I am looking forward to is Time Machine.

I know Time Machine does incremental backups (not the entire drive every time) but, I don’t think my external drive is large enough to do a full computer backup that constantly gets updated. I think it will still fill up too fast to make it worth it. So I am planning on doing a partial Time Machine backup, so I can have more instances to go back to.

I’m thinking of backing of my user folder, minus iTunes. Again, my iTunes folder would fill the drive to fast with constant updates and the change in podcasts being updated.

I’m still going to keep a partition on the drive with a full backup that is done regularly through DejaVu. If you haven’t tried DejaVu it is a great, and easy to use, backup solution.

The Time Machine backup will primarily be for recovering Photos, and Documents.

So what do you use Time Machine for?

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