What Apps have you installed on your iPhone/Touch?

Here it is the blog you knew was coming at some point. Time to share notes on what apps are worth downloading from the new App Store. I have a Touch and 95% of the apps I’ve downloaded have been free! and great!

Here’s a few:

Aurora Feint : a great free game that has an RPG twist to Bejeweled. I can’t stop playing it.

NetNewsWire : great to have my favorite RSS reader on the Touch. I was getting sick of the NEwsgator online version.

AIM : can’t forget chatting

Advent : A free old fashioned Zork-like adventure game

Evernote : for those that use Evernote, the mobile version is available

Movies : one of many movie showtime apps that are free. This just happens to be the first one I installed and I like it.

People and YPMobile : the Yellow and White pages

Remote : Apple’s app to make the iPhone/Touch control iTunes is really cool!

Sportstap : get all your scores

Zipcodes: I’ve always found zipcode apps to be expensive. This one is free!

Those are a few of the apps I’ve downloaded. All are free!!!

I’m still debating about one of the racing games, but can’t decide on which one.

I’m also a fan of Ms. Pac-man, but $10 seems pretty expensive, and I’m not sure how it will play.

I was also hoping for a word processing or text edit like program. I was surprised there wasn’t one yet. I am guessing on is coming.

So, what have you installed? Free apps or pay apps are welcome.

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