We’re back in business, boys and girls:
[GRACK!] Trabajo y Libertad
“I’d done this once before in San Cristobal and understood the arrangement, though that didn’t take the edge off by itself. Waiting to be selected for a crew reminded me of choosing sides for softball games in grade school, for example, not the most comforting recollection. This passed easily enough, however, and after the briefest of introductions, I was riding in a pickup truck with four men who were probably my neighbors. They knew exactly where we were going, because most segments of the irrigation system are keyed to the name of the family who lives there, as in: ‘We’ll start at Trujillo’s and work down to the bridge.’ Once we arrrived and climbed into the empty six-foot wide, waist-deep ditch, the work began naturally and quickly with an unassuming flow, a word or two of instruction to me and no orders to anyone at all. ”
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