People who start using the new and coming iPhone are going to begin to exhibit strange and bothersome side-effects. Oh, not anything to worry about, but just watch them as later, on a computer or laptop, they begin to touch the screen, trying to move the icons or images there, with their fingers, and they will likely grunt in frustration that they cannot touch their data, like they can on their iPhone.
You see, the iPhone does not have a Graphical User Interface, or GUI (Gooie) like all our computers have. Instead, the iPhone has a Tactile User Interface, or TUI (Tooie). The TUI in effect, allows you to reach through the glass screen and manipulate your data, music and pictures with your fingers. (Later, history may mark this as the second great paradigm of computing – again, introduced to the world by Apple and Steve Jobs.)
It is quite enticing and seductive, this new interface. I fully believe that Apple Incorporated will soon have to bring it to their computers, because people will notice right away that their laser, digital mouse and their adaptive touchpads are no longer the state-of-the-art and the leading, bleeding edge devices that they were a few moments ago. Because once you can touch your data with your fingers, who wants to go back to using a fumbling tool to do the same thing?
What will the new Macintoshes look like with this new Tactile User Interface? Well, we might finally get a new MacBook Pro that is primarily a tablet computer, with a slideout keyboard (sort of as an afterthought, and as a bone to all us touch-typists out here). Or how about an Apple add-on, in the form of a thin screen, mounted over your big Apple monitor, which will give you your TUI fix?
Imagine a world without computer mice? And when they get the voice thing figured out, a world without computer keyboards too. The world then, will likely be populated with iPhones (and the iPhone is really a Macintosh running OS X). The future has suddenly gotten a whole lot more interesting, don’t you think?
Roger Born
“If it doesn’t work out the way you want it to, it will work out the way its supposed to be.”
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