Was it the right move to get rid of a 17″ iMac?

As you probably know by now, the 17″ iMac is no more. This makes the cheapest iMac $1199. Was this a mistake?

What about schools? Will they be willing to buy $1200 iMacs instead of spending under $1000? There was actually a $900 iMac for schools.

I checked the education store, thinking there might be an education only 17″ iMac. Nope.

Bad idea? Part of me says yes. Part of me says no. When you think about it, most schools are buying laptops instead of desktops. Plus, there is always the Mac Mini which is perfect for a school. Sure you have to buy a monitor and more, but it is still inexpensive (especially if monitors are there from old systems).

What about those of us who would have bought a 17″ to save some money? Again, there is the Mac Mini, which is more attractive now with the processor upgrade. That can easily become a sub $1000 computer, even with a nice monitor larger than 17″.

I’d like to know how the 17″ iMacs sold in comparison to the 20″ iMacs. Were more people buying the larger screen anyway? With the price drop it is a lot more attractive.

Who knows, Steve might have some $1000 computer up his sleeve for a later date (although I would have expected it today for the back-to-school season).

Still want a 17″ iMac? I’m sure plenty will be available in the refurbished store for a while or you might be able to get one from a 3rd party vendor.

So was ditching the 17″ iMac a good idea? I don’t know. Only time will tell.

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