Wacom Bamboo Stylus Pocket Review

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Bamboo Stylus pocket
Company: Wacom
Price: $34.95

Just like case for your iOS devices there are a growing number of styluses in the market too. A company really needs to do something different to set its stylus apart from the pack. With the pocket Wacom has done just that. They took one of the best styluses on the market and made it better.

Why is the Bamboo Stylus better then the rest? In my experience, it has true response time when drawing on the iPad, or writing for that matter. The tip is not to mushy, yes that is a technical term, and the weight of the stylus feels just right. Plus, the quality of the device is fantastic and it looks great. You can even customize the stylus with interchangeable colored bands. You get a set of red, blue, and silver pairs. You can go with one color or mix and match.

Like I said earlier, with the pocket the stylus has gotten even better. First, it is collapsible. It goes from about 5 inches when open to about 3 1/2 when closed. Not that it took up much space before, but now it can take up even less.


Another great feature is the rubber grip. No more have the stylus slip out of your hand.

Wacom has even added a feature to help you keep track of your stylus and not lose it. The stylus has a cap with what looks like a plastic headphone jack connect. This goes into your device’s headphone jack for travel or storage. The plug is connect with a pretty strong lanyard and the cap needs a pretty good tug to get it off the stylus, so I don’t think it will be falling off easily. However, the plug is very flimsy feeling. I could see it easily bending to far and splitting into two pieces.


Finally, Wacom has included a spare need which is very easy to replace. In the past you would only get me nib and have to purchase extras.

Unfortunately, they did not include the pen feature that is in the Bamboo Pen and Stylus I have reviewed here at MyMac. That would really put this stylus over the top. However, at $34.95 you are getting a premium stylus packed it’s features.

MyMac.com rating 9 out of 10


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