Isn’t this just ridiculous? WinFans bursting at the seams in joy because some moron (as all malware/adware/worm/virus writers are) has managed to get a few unsuspecting Mac users to download a malfunctioning bit of code. It doesn’t even do what it’s supposed to as in erasing files or replicating itself and shooting out to everyone in your email address book or even causing much distress to those foolish enough to catch it. Such is the world of Windows fans. It would sad if not so pathetic.
Let’s see, first I have to be running with all admin privileges (which means that my kids could never catch one like this), I have to manually download what is supposed to be a graphics file with an extension like .tgz, THEN I have to double-click it and enter in my Administrative password. Oh, and it might spread itself to all those people I might iChat with. Which is zero. Yeeees, oh so dangerous.
Anyone have the stats on how long it takes an unpatched win system to be infected automatically without user intervention when plugged into the net? What’s it up to now? 20 seconds? Now, how many viruses will an un-updated OS X (any version) have on it after the same length of time, or 40 seconds, 5 minutes, 2 days, 6 months, ad naseum? Well, I’m here to make your life easier so I’ll tell you. Zero.
Scream and rant about Apple all you wish. It changes nothing. Apple will still have only 4-10 percent of the market (depending on whose numbers you believe, it means squat to me), and Windows will still dominate in marketshare, including all those nasty bugs.
I realize that most people here using Windows diligently keep up with all the virus definitions and have loads of software from free to outrageous in price to defend against idiots who make things like this. I salute you in your quest for a safe OS from Microsoft. God knows you have to work harder at it than I ever have or expect to.
So, keep all your games ( for you people that think that’s important for some reason) and I’ll continue to easily do all my home projects quickly and easily with the free or inexpensive software provided by Apple and the developers with enough nads to make it.
Sooner or later there will be a serious bit of malware that does damage. This isn’t it
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