According to recent studies, people use no more than 10% of the capabilities of Slack. With these Slack tips and tricks, we are going to use the platform to its full potential. This will make you less busy, more productive, and happier than ever while working.
1. **Move Through Conversations**
Did you know that there’s an autocomplete form, so that you can easily move from one conversation to another? Press ⌘+K (Ctrl + K on Windows) and you can easily send DMs and group chats.
To find other Slack shortcuts, press ⌘+? or Ctrl+? to reveal them all!
2. **Recent Mentions**
In the FlexPane menu, you will find “Recent Mentions.” You can browse a large list of people who have mentioned your name or any of your highlighted words. Clicking it will send you to the point in the conversation where the mention occurred.
3. **Manage Unread Messages**
Slack will keep unread conversations in one place. If you want to return to a conversation but are worried that you might forget about it, simply hold down the Option (Alt) key while clicking on the message.
Tap & Hold on a message in your mobile application to mark it as unread.
4. **Customize Slack’s Personality**
There is a customization page to create your very own emojis. They can be added as welcome messages on your team’s loading screens. The emojis can be used as responses to amuse, motivate, and even inspire people.
5. **Timestamps Are Links**
Did you know that by copying the timestamp link, you can bring a nice idea from the past back to the conversation? Just copy the link and share it with your audience.
6. **Use @ Before Suggesting Names for Autocomplete**
The default autocomplete can be a very annoying feature in group conversations with a lot of people.
You can make this feature trigger only when the “@” character is used. To do this, go to Preferences > Advanced Options, and there is a box to check.
7. **Create a To-Do List With Starred Items**
You can star things that are important for you and that you must take action on later. Every message, file, and comment can be starred, and everything will be ordered by time in your list.
8. **Use “Up” Arrow to Edit**
By pressing the “up” button, you can easily edit the most recent message you have posted in the channel you are currently in.
Tap & Hold a message in your mobile application, and a “cog” menu will appear if you’d like to edit an older message.
9. **Narrow Searches > Better Results**
You can easily narrow your search by typing in “in:#channel” or “from: user” or “has: link.” The Tab key can be used to trigger autocomplete. If you’d like to target only a particular month, then type “during: month” in your search.
10. **Integrate External Applications**
Slack provides the opportunity for other applications to join their platform and offer additional services to their clients.
For example, you can set up Google Docs, and all uploaded files will come with titles and will be indexed within the platform.
If you are a social media type of person, then you can create a special channel where all relevant tweets on Twitter will be posted.
Google Hangouts is also available if you’d like to make a call without leaving the application. Simply type the /hangout command, and the magic is done.
Slack is one amazing software that provides the opportunity for companies to manage their teams effortlessly without spending money on other services that aren’t reliable enough.
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