As this is a copy of an email, this is in reverse order, starting with my reply to Unsanity’s reply and ending with my original email.
Thank you very much for your reply. I appreciate the position you and your colleagues at Unsanity are in. It has been very difficult for all developers, as Apple kept making tweaks right up to the end – enough that I’m sure you weren’t certain exactly what had shipped until you grabbed a box off the shelf.
With as many under the hood changes as have been made, I’m sure it is much more difficult than ever to get your products ready for Leopard. I don’t recall your Jaguar to Panther and Panther to Tiger transitions taking this long. You said, “we will have no further status updates until [APE is ready].” That’s not particularly customer friendly. One man shows such as Mike Bombich (Carbon Copy Cloner) and Joel Barriere (Onyx), small developers such as Shirt Pocket Software (SuperDuper!) and Script Software (iKey), and big developers like Adobe and FileMaker have been keeping users informed about their progress toward Leopard compatibility.
You may want to read Shirt Pocket’s update blog at They are giving weekly updates on their progress. You have an update blog, but you don’t update it much. You said, “Please keep an eye on our official lines of communication for more information on compatibility releases”, then proceeded to list your web site, blog, newsletter, and compatibility page. None of these has been updated since October 27th regarding Leopard compatibility. Today is December 11th.
I’m not one of those raving nutjobs who leaves the “f*ck Unsanity!” comments in your blog. I’m just a paying customer who wants something to look forward to. Giving users an idea of what’s going on would likely have a positive effect and slow down the number of angry idiots posting comments in your blog. Thank you.
Tom Schmidt
On Dec 11, 2007, at 8:52 PM, Unsanity – Joseph wrote:
We are hard at work getting Application Enhancer (APE) and our haxies compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. We’ve been so delayed because APE didn’t even run until we received the shipping version of Leopard. Unsanity has 9 shareware products and about 4 free products that *must* work in Leopard, and APE requires some of these other products be updated first. We will release APE when we feel it is ready and not a moment before, and we will have no further status updates until then.
Please keep an eye on our official lines of communication for more information on compatibility releases, calls for beta testers, and other updates, and watch our compatibility page for updates on application compatibility. You will find these resources at the following URL’s:
– Website:
– Blog:
– Newsletter:
– Compatibility Page:
Original message:
> It sure would be nice if you could be a bit more public about what’s
> going on regarding Leopard compatibility. Haven’t heard a peep from
> you folks about it in over a month. Some of us are waiting for your
> products to be updated before upgrading to Leopard. Specifically I
> am waiting for FruitMenu. Please let us know what’s going on. Thank
> you.
> Tom Schmidt, First Tech Computer, Minneapolis, MN &
Sincerely yours,
Joseph – Unsanity
:: /
Unsanity – Unsane Tools For Insanely Great People – Haxies and more for Mac OS X
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