I read this article (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2111373,00.asp) on PCMag.com last week and thought it was worth alerting MyMac.com readers. It also seemed to be a good fit to a previous blog I wrote about broadband woes in rural America.
While you and I might not download tens or hundreds of gigabytes of content from the web today, that could very well change for a lot of us as more video content, especially high-definition video, becomes commercially available.
Briefly, the article states that Comcast is penalizing large bandwidth users by deactivating their broadband internet accounts for one year. What makes this even more disturbing is that Comcast isn’t even telling their customers what the cutoff is, and apparently, there is no recourse or appeal process. If you hit this undefined and unpublished limit, you’re out. This is probably an oversimplification, so please click the link to the article and read it in its entirety.
I’m just saying that your provider may be next, and this may be a prelude to tiered service (use more bandwidth, pay more). Frankly, that might not be a bad idea.
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