UnBox – Episode 4 – UniBind

Woo-hoo! Another UnBox. And for once, I have NO idea what’s in this box!

I know the PR company who sent the package, so I think I know which company they are sending it for. But that company has thousands of products, of all different varieties. And the PR company also reps a few different businesses. So what’s in this box? I can tell it is something heavy. It weighs eight-pounds! Let’s open this package and find out!

It’s a product named “Photobook Creator” by UniBind! It’s a big box. Also included are what looks like yearbook-like books. Let’s open one and find out!

You know those Photobooks you can order via iPhoto that Apple used to talk about all the time but never mentions anymore? That’s what this reminds me of. The black photobook has informational pages, while the teal one is a sample with very nice pictures. The other three, blue, pink, and beige, are empty.

There is also two smaller empty photobooks which hold 4X6 prints. So far, I think my wife will really enjoy this product! Now let’s look at the big package in the box.

The big box hold the Photobook Binding Machines, another empty photobook, and instructions. A quick glance at the directions make the Photobook Creator look pretty easy to use. I can already see how my wife could really use this to make some unique Christmas or Birthday presents for the grandparents, as well as keep-sakes for the kids. I want to immediately make some family photos albums myself!

Heading up to myphotobookcreator.com and I find a demo video on how the product works! I also did a Goggle search, and found you can buy this at Target for around $99 U.S.! Not bad for a cool, long-lasting product of this nature. While digital photos are great, I think we all still want a physical copy of our best photos, and this takes online ordering out of the picture. Instant gratification! The “blank books” cost around $10/book

Thank you, Photobook Creator, for a fun and different UnBox!

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