UnBox – Episode 3 – An Adobe Package

What a fun day today has been! Wake up, drive the kids to school, vote, grocery shop, and find a package waiting for me when I get back home. What could it be? I don’t recognize the address… Let’s find out together for another exciting episode of UnBox!

Let’s see, plain white box. No company name listed on the box. But wait… it does have a Ref: Adobe on it… Could it be… My guess is Adobe CS4 Design Premium or CS4 Web Premium. For the CS3 release, they sent both.

No bubble wrap! How… how can I call this an UnBox with the Bubble Wrap!

Ah-ha! I was right and wrong in my guesses. It is neither the Design or Web Premium package, but the Master Collection! Far out!

I have to say, Adobe does a really good job with the packaging!

Inside the silver package is another package, in which the Multi-DVD case is located. There is soft heft to the DVD package, let me tell you!

Wow, six DVDs all together.

Let’s take a look at what’s in the Master Collection:
InDesign CS4
Photoshop CS4 Extended
Illustrator CS4
Acrobat 9 Pro
Flash CS4 Professional
Dreamweaver CS4
Fireworks CS4
Contribute CS4
After Effects CS4
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Soundbooth CS4
Adobe OnLocation CS4
Encore CS4
Adobe Bridge CS4
Adobe Device Central CS4
Dynamic Link
Version Cue CS4

WOW that is a lot of software. Retailing for the full price of $2,499, you can upgrade for a lot less, starting at $899. Still not cheap by any stretch of the imagination, but this IS all the major Adobe applications in one package.

MyMac Magazine will be reviewing and writing about these products for many months. I know John Farr is going to be looking at Adobe Photoshop, while I will be looking at Adobe Illustrator. One of the applications that I have not used in years, After Effects, is high on my “Play and learn with” list, as is Adobe Premiere Pro and Soundbooth. And, let’s not forget, the new Dreamweaver is in here, a program I use to post our feature content on MyMac.com, meaning I will be giving that a workout soon as well.

Oh, crap, I just realized I still need to free up some HD space on my Mac to make room for all this stuff! Maybe it’s time to delete that stupid Windows Bootcamp partition I never use.

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