UnBox – Episode 1


A new regular feature here at MyMac Magazine, the UnBox. Because we tend to get so many products, and people really seem to love un-boxing pictures and video, I am writing a new regular blog post here called UnBox! We take a picture of the box, who sent it, guess what’s inside, and UnBox whatever it is! So what’s up today? Read on to find out!

We kick off the first our first UnBox by checking out what MyMac Podcast contributor Sam Levin sent me. I know Sam was recently at Electronic Arts (EA) and promised to send me something from there…

Big box! This thing has some weight to it! And, uhhh, a little sticker with a horse. Sam Levin put a Horsy sticker on my package.

First peek in the box! Hey, that’s not an EA product. In fact, I know JUST what that is. It’s an iPhone case from Case-Mate. The Signature Leather Case with holster. These are really nice iPhone cases. I have six or seven of this model, but not in the silver color. Very cool!

So now I simply reach in, and pull everything out! Let’s check out the contents!

Five items all together, four games from EA and the Case-Mate first-gen iPhone case.

Check it out, it’s Spore! But not just any copy of Spore, but the super-special Galactic Edition of Spore! This product was released for both Mac and PC on September 7th, and the Galactic Edition includes not just the actual game, but a “Making of Spore” DVD, an “How to Build a Better Being” DVD that was created by the National Geographic Channel, and a hardback Spore art book and fold-out poster! This I will have to dedicate some time to exploring, but not today. (We record the podcast in four hours time as I post this blog)

Lastly, three EA video games for both my XBOX 360 and the PS3.
Mercenaries 2 – World in Flames for the XBox 360 is a fun game. I have played the PS33 demo a few times, and really enjoyed it. Basically, you are a mercenary in (if I am remembering correctly) Africa, and your job is to blow up everything. The coolness of Mercenaries 2 is that the entire environment is destructible. See a building? You can blow it up! See a tank? You can steal it, blow up a base, and then blow the tank up as well. Totally an open world (sandbox) game, meaning you can go anywhere, do anything. I think this will be a huge time drainer for me. Can’t wait!

for the PS3 is a boxing game. I have read mixed reports, but from the footage I have seen on YouTube, it looked like fun to me. This game just came out a week or two ago. (As did Mercenaries 2) I plan on checking out FaceBreaker soon, as it will probably become my “casual” game for a while.

Battlefield: Bad Company
for the PS3 is a first-person shooter with a fun twist. I have watched a number of game trailers for this one, and it looks like a game that is both fun to play, and does not take itself too seriously. Like the above Mercenaries 2, in Battlefield: Bad Company, you blow a lot of things up. And, of course!, shoot a lot of guns! Yup, I see myself really enjoying this one!

Well, that’s it for this first episode of MyMac Magazine UnBox! If you or your company wants to send something in for an UnBox, drop me an email! And thanks go to Sam Levin for all this cool EA stuff, and the Case-Mate iPhone case!

Catch you all on the Podcast!

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