UnBox 21 – Titanium

Ah, a fresh, clean UPS package to open for the first UnBox of 2009. No real big mystery for me this time around, as I know what’s in the box. This was suppose to go to John Nemo, our reviews editor, but the fine folks at Roxio shipped it to my address instead. HA-HA, John! You can’t have it! It’s all MINE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!… sorry.

Ohhh! A package WITHIN a package! Those fendish devils at Roxio are going to make me WORK for this one, eh? I’ll show them!

Yeah, baby! Roxio Toast 10 Titanium Pro!

Holy crap! An actual paper manual! Who ever reviews this software for MyMac.com had better give in an extra half-point review score for that alone! Bravo to Roxio!

All kidding aside, Roxio Toast 10 Titanium Pro is a fantastic bundle of software. Let’s first start with what you get with just Toast 10:

(from the Roxio website)
• The easiest way to burn CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs
• Copy discs with one click, compress & convert video
• Expand your iTunes library with web audio capture
• Watch your video, movies and TV shows anywhere
• Convert your media for iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, Xbox 360, PS3 & more

As if all that were not cool enough, this is the Pro version, meaning not only is Toast included, but also a HD / Blu-ray plug-in, and the following software titles: Sonicfire® Pro soundtrack creation, LightZone™ visual photo editing, FotoMagico™ high-def slideshows, and SoundSoap™ SE audio noise reduction.

All in all, the new Toast looks like an amazing product. The Pro version, just $50 more in price, is a real bargain, and will probably be your best bet if you are looking to buy.

Roxio Toast 10 Titanium – $99.99
Roxio Toast 10 Titanium Pro – $149.99

There is a $20 mail-in rebate going on right now, so if you are thinking about picking it up, now would be the time to do so!

Website: http://www.roxio.com/enu/products/toast/default.html

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