UnBox 13 – Speck Products

My favorite time of the day, to write up another UnBox episode! Even this close to the Christmas holidays, I still enjoy ripping open cardboard boxes and sharing with all of you the latest goodies from the technology world!

Well, this time around the box looks fairly pedestrian. Wonder what’s in this one? The return address says Speck, the same company that we will be visiting during the Macworld Expo to do the Apple Quiz. On January 8th, sometime before lunch, we will be at the Speck Products booth to hold the Apple Quiz, give some cool products away, and have a great time! If you plan on being at the Macworld Expo, be sure to come by, take the quiz, and check out the Speck products on display.

And speaking about Speck’s products, let’s take a look inside this box!

It’s a gaggle of iPod Touch cases! Sweet! Oh, and from this point onward, anytime you see more than one iPod Touch case, they must be referred to as a Gaggle. I was going to go with flock, or pride, but I just like typing gaggle more.

Try saying Gaggle four times in a row. Sounds strange, doesn’t it?

Here is the cases all laid out. Hey, cool, I did not notice that two of them are not iPod Touch cases, but rather for iPod nano. And two are actually iPhone 3G cases. Honestly, don’t you just really like the look of the new iPod nano over the short, fat one? I sure do. The screen on the new ones are actually the same size, but they sure look bigger. I also like the whole "shake to change songs" thing, but not having one myself, I can’t say if I would use that feature often, or is it is just a gimmick.

I really like the look of the purple iPhone Touch case from Speck. It really pops out. Actually, I like them all, but I have been in a Prince and the Revolution mood lately. The green iPod nano case also really pops out.

Now you may think I am writing this because Speck Products is one of our Macworld Expo sponsors, but I’m not. I really do think they make some of the very best cases around, and I have a first generation Macbook Pro with the red See-Thru case on it. I have for two years, and I love it.

More UnBoxing this and next week, as I have fallen behind! Yikes!

Speck Products

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