UnBox 11 – The One From The Cohen

Tim has had the monopoly so far on the MyMac Unbox, but when my good lady rang me to say that the Cohen household was the recipient of an enormous box addressed to MyMac, I grabbed my camera and scissors and got to work!

As you can see, pretty large – and I can tell you it was very heavy as well. Not many Mac-related products come in boxes of this size. Monitor? Printer? My 6-year old son was desperate to know what was inside – he was jumping excitedly outside the edge of the frame!

Cool – a huge iPod speaker dock! Alas, Alexander lost interest at this point. But I have to say I was considerably intrigued – I had not heard of this brand before, and the box-displayed specs hit all of the right spots – 2.1 means stereo + subwoofer, radio remote with screen, hi-fi approach, plenty of power – what’s not to like? Cabasse is a French audiophile company that makes very expensive high-end speakers, and their involvement in designing the audio portion of these speakers should make them sound fantastic.

And here it is in all of it’s glory. The eFizz is shaped a bit like a bell, and the iPod goes into a deep well in the top. So deep that you can’t really see the screen at all – but the rechargeable remote does have that colour screen, giving you an iPod like experience in terms of menus and playlists, and even showing your album art!

Early days in terms of appreciating the sound quality – I haven’t thought about siting it somewhere properly yet (it’s still sat on my dining room table) but is certainly is loud, and a big bottom-facing subwoofer gives it plenty of clear bass.

Also in the box, an eWoo HandMusic – effectively an AV iPod dock, capable of piping audio or video to an external device. The rechargeable remote used by the HandMusic is the same as the on in the eFizz. The centre functions like the iPod clickwheel, touch-sensitive as you run your finger around the circle.

So there you have it – go to http://www.ewoo.com for more information. Pricing on the eFizz is $599 and $199 for the HandMusic. A review will follow when I have had a good chance to use them.

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