OK, I must confess something. I’m not the world’s biggest geek. Sure I get on alright, but sometimes there are things in technology that just baffle the crap out of me. Twitter is one of those things. I first heard about it on the TWIT (naturally) podcast and signed up. Got a password, made one entry, and then there it sat for about 5 months.
Since I didn’t really get it, I did with most things I don’t understand and pretended it wasn’t there. I got a notice at some point that Tim Robertson (owner and publisher of MyMac.com) was following my Twitterisms, but neither of us seemed to be sending any messages. What finally got me barely interested again was when Drew Domkus (of the Dawn and Drew Podcast) signed up to subscribe to my Twits as well. I had sent him an email a few weeks ago asking him if he had heard of Ubercaster and we had a short conversation through email about what we each used for podcasting software. I guess I made a bigger impression than I thought! Besides the MyMac.com Podcast, please go check out Dawn and Drew for some off the wall, stream of unconsciousness audio.
Back to Twitter, I understand HOW it works and that it’s YASNS (Yet another social networking site…I just love acronyms!), but what I don’t see is the point of it. I have my twitterisms on the front page of this site, so the whole thought process of this blog might have gone over my head. However, it’s there because iWeb 2 now allows you to directly put html or flash stuff in little boxes and I’m randomly using it for MacParrot because this is my iWeb experimentation site.
I guess spreading whatever random thoughts might be in my head at a given time limited to 140 characters just strikes me as kinda odd and possibly scary. There are things in my head that I don’t talk about…dark things…frightening things…disturbing (well, in a Pee Wee Herman kind of way, which probably doesn’t come as a relief to anyone) things. Things possibly better left alone…alright this is now sounding less like a George Romero moment (if you have to ask who George Romero is…look him up on IMDB.com for God’s sake!) and more like a Captain Kangaroo moment just before Mister Moose dropped a load of ping-pong balls on his head. Hold on, you don’t know who Captain Kangaroo is?
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