Tuesday, April 4th – Still Nothing From Apple

News Flash – “The campus at Number 1 Infinity Loop is missing. It is as if the Mothership has left the planet.” – source: Billy Barty’s News Service.

Actually, I think the corporation is still there, but with nary a word, a statement, an acknowledgment from them concerning their recent 30th anniversary, people are wondering aloud if there is anyone home there.

Today, being Tuesday, most people thought since nothing was said by Apple on Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday, or Monday, today would be the day that something would have been said, don’t you think?

How odd.

I know more Intel goodies are going to show up in May, June or July, and even more in the Fall, being that Steve Jobs publicly promised to bring all his Macs under the spell of Intel this year.

So? What do we peons do? We wait, as always, with baited breath, spending sleepless nights, tossing and turning, dreaming of bright and shiney future Macs, iPods, and who-knows-what-else is to come from the most advanced computer company on the planet (outside of Korea).

Roger the very impatient, Born
” ? . . .nope. got nothin. ”


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