I had just come into the alley. It was bright day, and very cold. There was a harsh wind blowing dust and debris around me. Man, I did not feel very well, after meeting Stevo and his ‘friends.’ In fact, I felt feverish.

Suddenly, someone came running by me, knocking me out of the way, and grabbing the collector out of my hand. He pointed it a the opposite wall, and ran through the portal that he had formed.

I was too astonished to do anything. Where had he come from? Through the portal I just exited? I saw no one in the narrow alley when I emerged.

But then I noticed that he had dropped the collector before he went through the wall. Where was he going? How is it that he could use my collector. Who was he?

How glad I was that he dropped it! I would have been stranded here, and I had no Idea where here was. I walked over and picked it up. It seemed undamaged. The portal in the wall in front of me had closed. The portal I came through was gone as well.

I found I had to sit down somewhere. I opened a portal and went home. I was not ready for all of this. I again felt my age. Too old! Too old to be traipsing everywhen and everywhere!

Who was he? Why was he in a hurry? Where did he go? How did he know to follow me?

No! It was not possible. Could it have been another one of myself? Was it I, who was running somewhere from another time, desperate to get away from something? Not possible. He was young, with a full head of black hair. (But he sort of looked like me.)

Again, the hair on my neck stood erect. I made the portal and walked through it, back to my living room. My cats were still in the same spot on the couch. I sat down next to them. It would be a while before I would have the courage to go anywhen again. How glad I was that I lived in such a peaceful place. I let the stillness of the place wash over me, watching the trees in the distant green vista of the links, through my patio doors.

I buried my head in my hands, resting my elbows on my knees. It was Wednesday. My wife was at school. Roger was off having chemo. I felt my cancer pain again. I would need more pills soon.

“Too old. Too old, and tired. Who was he?”

He was a lot younger than I was. I knew that much.




Oh, look! Roger got an iPad! Cool!.

(to be continued)

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