I came up with the idea for a Time Corp. Yeah. Now we have thousands of dedicated people, willing to do whatever it takes to set things right in time.
So far, I got a big fat zero in recruiting even one person to give their life in service to anything that has to do with time travel and my agenda. Almost anyone you do happen to convince that time travel is real, will already have their own agenda, fully developed in their mind, regardless of if they even knew that they had an agenda, the minute they step through a portal.
I want people who would help me track down and stop the Story Writers. I want people who could help me give the Ringship to the world, and who could help develop all the ancillary inventions of the portal. I want star travel to be discovered, either through the finding of the Ringship, or of independent travel using the portal. I want someone who can interface with Mary and her race, to bring Nanocytes to Mankind for health and long life for everybody.
I printed coordinates, dates and contact people, all carefully spelled out in detail, ready to give anyone who would spend the time to make these things a reality in their timelines.
I got zip, so far. And that is after devoting about five years (here and there) to this very important, world-saving project.
So I took to the idea of writing about all this, and getting it published. “That should do it!” I exclaimed to myself (not out loud). “How did that go,” (you ask?) “HaHaHa,” (comes my reply).
To get my book published, I went to Publishers. I took a few of them through the portal. Forget it. They wanted something that could sell, and in their eyes, my ‘version’ of time travel was too pedestrian for their tastes. My story went into the slush pile (manuscripts that will never get read, but once-a-year get recycled at a landfill.)
Professional Editors? Even worse. They denied they had ever gone through a portal, after returning to their present time. (Biggest bunch of hide-bound, brain-dead people I’ve ever met.)
How about Journalists? Or Newsmen? Surely they would see the value of all this? Right? Right? I have no desire to be famous. I only want the story to get out, into the popular gestalt. Never going to happen. People with important agendas never get to that forum. Only the bizarre do, or people who only fall into it through luck. It is like winning the lottery. Who do you know who that ever happens to?
Or the Military? (Once I finally removed their introduction to time travel, by erasing my intial effort with them, things got much better.) They only wanted to weaponize the portal. They had no desire to even consider my agenda at all. They had their own agendas, and their agendas were scary!
How about friends and relatives? You mean people like Anna White? My fellow writers at our online site consider what I write to be (adequate?, passable?) fiction, at best.
Even the Roger of this timeline is in complete denial about the possibility of time travel. I have an assortment of brothers and sisters, neices and nephews, and uncles and aunts to consider. They are family, right? They would listen. So far, nobody in my family above eight years old would even consider anything I tell them to be more than utter fiction. And that includes a few who deny the reality of time travel after a trip through the portal.
However, there were other timelines with Roger in them. Not many, since he died in 1996 in most of timelines. So I went to see him in earlier years. (Yeah, I got over my aversion to meeting myself. There was no earth-shattering event, after all.) Now Roger was someone I could convince. I gave each of them a collector, the printed package, and a copy of all that Roger had written, plus dates of publication. I even coached them in the pitfalls of time travel. I sent them forth. Damn few ever came back. I had to quit. I was rapidly running out of Rogers. What happened to them? I don’t know. Probably the Story Writers got to them. That’s all I can think of.
What is it about everybody else that make this such a hard thing to accept?
Well, people are busy. They have their own lives, and their lives are full already. They have no room, nor time in their lives for something that they consider might take them years of work, committment, or worse, to accomplish tasks they are not interested in or care about, for the likes of me.
Oh, believe me, I tried all kinds of things. I even figured out how to go beyond my timeline. It is simple. You recuit a person older than youself, who goes as far back into time as they can, to recruit an older person in their past, and so on. I figured we could get someone even in the Middle Ages to help accomplish the things that needed to be done. The could build an ediface, that would contain the information needed for Mankind to invent time travel, go to the stars, and make eveyone healthy and prosperous.
Or an organization, like the Templars, or the Masons, who have been around forever. These guys could carry the message forward, and build an organization that would be large enough to accomplish our goals, right? (Yeah, I sent the few people I could find, to go back, in order to create all that. Or I at least tried.)
Oh sure, you see it don’t you? Those organizations and edifaces do exist, don’t they? Where did the message go? Of course. Any one person along the path to the past, who thought the message was unimportant, would have discarded it, or failed to give it to the next person. So the things in the past got built, but the message was lost along the way.
Would those institutions and edifaces still exist, if I had not interferred? Probably. I don’t know. Who does? All I know is that the message got lost, and as such, they were all failures to my cause.
Besides, I figured out that my message, all printed out and bound into a book, was worthless to anyone in the past. Who could read our language back then? Would Shakesphere be able to read his own manuscript in modern English? And no, I don’t have the ability to convert my message to Chaucerian English. Can you do that?
What I have found is that it is a lot easier to introduce time travel to a person, than it is to make him believe that the message I want to give them is important. They all have their own ideas of what is important. Everyone has their own agenda.
So what happened to Anna White? The past we went to, was around the year of her birth. I did not know that, when I created the portal she went through. I followed her, but lost her somehow. We came out on a busy city street, full of people. She walked off. Where did she go? What did she do in her past to erase herself from our present?
No, I don’t think the Story Writers had anything to do with her. Maybe she met and married a man would would have actually been her father, so that he did not ever marry his supposed-to-be wife and have the baby Anna. That would make her life a cusp in time. She would have been stranded in the past, and would have lived out her life, but her past, in our present, would never have happened.
I can think of a thousand ways that could have occured. None of them pleasant to consider. Anything from just bumping into one of her parents, in order to throw off the future they were supposed to have had, to interacting with them, or meeting someone close to them, or . . .
It would have been great to fix all that. Her stories were wonderful, and she was a good friend. But I never did find her afterwards. And this was all before I ever wanted to recruit anyone to help me fight the Story Writers, and to help bring these important inventions and discoveries to reality.
Yes, I will publish the details of all of this, in a future installment (chapter?). If any of you, my readers, want to take up the cause, it will be there for you.
So. If you don’t happen to be doing anything with your life, and would want some adventure, consider time travel. Join the Time Corp and save the world. Imagine it! Your future could the be future of the world to come.
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