The Story Writers. How do you fight an enemy, who with one line of writing can cancel your whole existence? These are the most powerful, fearful enemies Mankind has. They should not exist. They don’t belong here. But they live here among us. Man can screw up his own existence quite without their help, but they have inserted themselves in our lives and times for their own puposes, and I wish them gone.

My question is why am I immune to their writings? I have looked carefully to all the ramifications of these beings. How is it that Roger in most timelines died so young? Did they write him as having cancer? I think so. But they did not expect me. I am a man out of time, and because of that, they seem to be having a problem getting me in their sights.

Who else do they write about? Probably people that make a difference. They want their adopted world to be sedate. They hate anyone rocking the boat. New inventions, new eras in human existence unsettle them. They like things quiet. Therefore there are people they will change or whose existence they will negate or erase.

Who else could rock their world with something more innovative than time travel, stellar human expansion, perfect health and long life? Roger, in so many timelines, has been their target.

The Story Writers actually prefer worlds where Stevo and friends are in hiding. Where Zumwalters are in power. A subjugated, illiterate population is much easier to manage. Human invention in those times and places is harder to come by.

I know they are not perfect. Many of the people they try to write out, somehow seem to continue on. Take Roger in my timeline. Who else do you know who can continue to live with cancer for more than 16 years? The same was true of myself before I met Stevo and got young and healthy again.

Stevo is another example of their weaknesses. He overcame his world, with the help of Mary and her race. Their writing of his story failed. I am not even sure if they could write the story of Mary at all. She is not human.

I tried to find any information of the Drobbos that I could. When I was stuck in that wretched city for so long, amesiac, I remembered things. Mary helped me gain access to my memories there, while she was restoring my true memories. The Drobbos are very old. It is likely their world is gone. They are from far away. They come from another galaxy completely. There are not many of them left. But it only takes one of them to wreck whatever we try to do. It is possible that our own galaxy is empty, except for us. And they are attempting to keep us confined to this one planet, so to be able to feed upon the few of us who write about them, giving them life and the silent, insipid existence they so crave to have.

In fact, while I was with Mary and the others, getting my memories repaired, Stevo helped me greatly. He had them implant a tiny collector in my left forhand, just below the surface of the top of my hand. I can control it with just thought. Now I no longer have to carry a collector, nor do I need to worry about losing one, or having one taken from me. Stevo cautioned me, however, to carry one anyway. Whoever the people are who take it from me, they will be less worried about me leaving. I also suspect that Stevo or Mary placed a locator on me, as well. That brings me comfort. It gets lonely and cold, out there on the traces of time.

Stevo and Mary and I think we understand the Story Writers. It is not possible that we can write them out of existence. No. We will have to capture them. All of them, and take them back to wherever they came from. Then we can get on with things, and try to fix all the timelines they have modified. So humans can get on with their lives and their bright future.

To do that, we are going to have to go to war with them. To date, I only have Mary’s people to recruit from.

Any of you readers interested in signing on for this one?

Don’t forget to write.


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