Present day, Barstow
I left Dennys walking. My collector was in my pocket. I had to get out of these old man’s clothes. I was a walking anachronism. Mary’s Nanocytes were working overtime. I was shedding years and feeling stronger than I could ever remember feeling, even in my good years.
I broke my rule and got money out of Roger’s ATM. He was going to take a hit on his bank account pretty soon. I had my own card, bought from a ‘friend.’ It wasn’t the bank’s card at all, but since I knew Roger’s account number and PIN, getting cash was not hard. I had no worries about the camera on the ATM. I no longer looked like Roger.
I thought Roger would have no problems proving that someone swiped his money from the machine, and the bank would reimburse him for it. It would mean him getting a new card and PIN, but he had time to do that. I didn’t. Morals? I’m a time traveler. I don’t have time for morals.
I had my hair hidden under a non-descript ball cap. I had to. My hair was turning black at a ridiculous speed. But it was still white on the ends. It was growing fast too. I would need a cut very soon, but not in this place. I didn’t want anyone remembering me here. I kept walking.
I had to think. There were things I needed. Clothes. Razors. Yeah, I would be shaving again soon. But how could I cope with the other effect of youth, such as always being an impulsive hot-head? I was grateful for my dark glasses. They hid the fear in my eyes.
There were still other things I was feeling. My heart was no longer weak and fragile. It pumped blood in a frightening manner. My veins throbbed. Every part of my body was growing stronger. I had to concentrate on keeping an erection down. My poor dear wife. She would never understand this!
What would she do if she found me like this? I would injure her, for sure. She was a lot older than me now. Before, she was a young eight years my junior, robbed of a fit husband because of a weak heart, cancer and chemo. She could never handle me at my present age and strength. Who am I kidding? Any woman can handle a strong, virile young man, at any age. There is no man living that can outlast any woman in bed. I grinned.
But this would never occur. I was leaving these parts for good. I could plainly see that I had no future here and now. I did not belong here anymore. Not even on Wednesdays. But where could I go? When? What year?
I ran out of town to walk through. It ended at the open desert in front of me. The Interstate was off in the distance on my right. The Marine Base was closer, on the left. I needed a building where I could point my collector. I had passed an abandoned house on the edge of town. Fairly new, with a bank notice on the door. I went back there.
I would follow Roger1, one last time. I remember when it was that I was going to explore 1957, in San Antonio. I had left our house on a Wednesday, just a week ago, around three in the afternoon. I dialed a wall in the bedroom on that day and hour. Yeah, Stevo’s collector had dials. A vast improvement on trying to mentally concentrate on where and when you want to go.
I heard the older Roger1 opening his portal. My dog Ty looked confused as he saw me leave through one wall, and at the same time, come out of the back bedroom. I had no time to pet him, and give him reasurrance. I had to catch that portal.
The old Roger1 came through the portal into San Antonio, down by the River Walk. I followed close behind, through the portal he created. It was a bright and sweet Summer day, just as I remembered them to be. But I was not staying. Nor was my older, former self. I ran past myself, rudely knocking the collector out of his hand. I kept going, opening another portal in the wall ahead of me. Yeah, it was me who did that. Roger1, the younger.
Silly old man! Who did he think he was? Traipsing about through time? Weak heart? Cancer? Old age? Frail? He didn’t weigh hardly anything. Time travel is for the young and the strong. I knew he would abort his trip and run home, because of our encounter. Good! That’s where he belonged.
Not me. I was going to Albuquerque. To a recent year where nobody knew me. It was a cheap place to live, and a guy could work at any store or restaurant and keep a roof over his head and grub on the table. It would give me time to think, and to figure out what to do with myself. I hope that Mary’s Nanocytes come with a warranty. This was scary stuff!
But I knew I wouldn’t stay there in Albuquerque very long either. Probably just long enough to get a new life. And to learn to shave again.
(to be continued)
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