Truth is stranger than fiction

With a couple of email request I received for “less ramble, more news” to the
point that a concerned group threatened to block any truck that would export Ben
and Jerry’s Ice Cream
into Canada, I am forced to acquiesce. So for this
current entry, I am putting up mostly regurgitated news .
It is all good, since trying to choose 2 or 3 from the dozens that come my
way is quite a task, I should be hiring an executive assistant. Now stop hoarding
my Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!… please?


Crawford TX newspaper endorses John Kerry.
Burnination ensues.
You know Crawford,
Texas. It is where the Bush Family Ranch is located. It already had a history
of giving the dear ol’ US President headaches by allowing Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit
9/11 to
be shown
. Such good timing when the president
is busy memorizing his debate.

Bush mixed up names of two terrorists. Now repeat that 10 times (Philly
time is called a slip. Twice maybe a lapse of memory. But what do you call
confusing names of personalities ten times? In last Monday’s campaign speech
in New Hampshire, GW Bush had referred to Abu Nidal as responsible for the
death of a Jewish American in 1985. Unfortunately, it was Abdul Abbas who was
responsible for that and that was the tenth time he publicly mixed up the two
terrorist. I take back that memory exercise statement I made from the former

Navy personnel got in trouble for nude photograph. (Honolulu
Star Bulletin
Make a
note, when conducting a slide show presentation on a sexual harrasment prevention
class do not start off with a picture of a naked woman. A petty officer is
now in hot water when for a split second inadvertently showed a photograph
of nude woman on his computer slide presentation. Most of the 250 sailors and
civilians were initially confused whether it was a prank or a part of the training

Ordered to trim hedges, Kennedy family member decided to run for office (

Not pleased with the city of Santa Monica ordering him to work on his hedges,
Bobby Shriver decided to run for a seat in the City Council on the November
2 elections. Bobby Shriver is the nephew of California’s first lady Maria
Shriver. Santa Monica League of Couch Potatoes lend their support.

International News
Turkish president read own collection of poems on
National TV for 1.5 hours.
the turmoil around its border, Turkey’s president Saparmurat Niyazov found
the time in his busy schedule to dust off some of his “artistic” works
and read it on the 3 Turkish television stations . Fast forward nine months
afterwards, Turkey is experiencing a three fold increase in babies being born
on a particular day.

China opened first club for bald men (
With not a lot of fanfare and publicity, the city of Beijing
opened the first club for the follicularly challenged. On other news, the CIA
is having trouble recalibrating their spy satellites due to the unusual glare
that is coming off from central China.

Poison resistant rats creating concern in
Decendants of escaped rats used in Soviet-era lab experiments breeding with Kyrgyzstani
rats to give new super breed which thrives on rat poison. Time to reclassify
some of our science fiction books/films to nature books/films.

Gang of robbers fumbles, nearly shoot each other. Madcap
hilarity ensues
A group
of armed robbers rush into store in Pituba, Brazil, But things started to
go wrong on the get go when one of them accidentally drop his gun which went
off, scaring the rest to flee. This created a series of hilarious events which
resulted in their arrest. Just read this one, it is really funny.

Here is an idea: If you sue Ford, they will stop selling cars to you (Associated
A Florida judge had denied a request by the Okloosa County Sheriff
that Ford resume selling
cars to his department. Ford has refused to sell
any more Crown Victoria Police Interceptors to the County since July 2003,
a year after the sheriff sued. General Motors are offended. AMC scrambling to
revive itself and make counteroffer.

Michigan guy sells pen in Ebay but talks about how fat his ex-wife is (Ebay)

Can you say bitter. This guy posted in Ebay, selling a pen that supposedly
was a gift from his ex-wife during their period of bliss. What is funny, he
keeps rambling about how life with his ex wife was a living hell in during
the 9 days the pen was up for bids.

Cardinals manager escapes being ran over by a giant bratwurst. (Ben
Seeming oblivious
to his surroundings, Tony La Russa narrowly avoided collision with the sausage
representing Germany during the Miller Park Sausage Race. With Bratwurst the
runaway winner, Polish sausage is protesting for interference.

Spelling snafu might have caused Cat Stevens
probably had heard how the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens had been labelled
a terrorist risk and was sent back from New York to London last week. According
to Time Magazine, The name “Yusuf Islam” which what he is called
now, is not on that no-fly list, although their is a
“Youssouf Islam”. It is good to note that Anglicized Arabic names are spelled

Donny Osmonds’s song on UK Top Ten List (BBC)
Sign of the apocalypse,
need I say more?

To show my sympathy to the people of southern Sweden, I am putting up the original
statement of one of the residents who survived the storm that raged through
their area last week.

Read this text before you open the picture…

With all the news on TV lately about the extreme weather conditions
affecting the East Coast of the US, the mud slides in the Middle East
and South America, the flood that made it’s mark on Southern England,
along with the dire predictions made by such films as The Day After
Tomorrow, we shouldn’t forget that Sweden has its share of devastating
weather too.

I’ve attached a photo illustrating the damage caused to my home from a
storm that passed through the south of Sweden last week. It really
makes you cherish what you have, and reminds us not to take things for

attached file: damage2.jpg)

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