Troops on the Border

I am not sure how I feel about having the U.S. Armed Forces patrolling and policing our southern borders. In one respect, it is our border, and we have every right to protect it in any way our leadership feels necessary. On another, it feels wrong to think of our troops patrolling the borders. But I don’t live in a state on the southern border. I do live in a state that borders Canada, however, and don’t hear anything about troops massing here. I wonder: Canadians and Americans look pretty much the same. Mexicans and Americans don’t, at least in the popular concept of what an American looks like. You don’t think?’¦ Nahh.

So I am reading on different news websites that Mexico is upset that these troops will be on the border. Usually, when troops start to marshal on another countries borders, someone is probably in for an asswhipping. And let’s be honest, American kinda, sorta has a thing as of late about attacking foreign countries unprovoked. So is Mexico worried we are about to invade? Nahh, of course not. They are worried that the tightening of our borders will increase the number of deaths to illegal immigrant. Justifiable worry? Sure. No one wants to see desperately poor people dying simply for trying to make a better life for themselves and their families by attempting to cross into America. I don’t. Even if you hate President Bush, you can’t honestly believe he would want that. No one does. So I understand the concerns of the Mexican government. But I DO have a suggestion for them: FIX MEXICO, AND YOU WON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!

In all the talk about illegal immigration, nowhere do I hear just how badly the Mexican government has failed its people. The people sneaking into America are simply desperate for jobs. They are not coming here to sell drugs, rob little white ladies at the ATM, or carrying dirty bombs in the name of the Taliban. Not happening, folks. It is just people who need the work, to feed their families. That’s all. Why? Because the job market sucks in Mexico. Has for, what, thirty years at least? And what, if anything, is the elected officials in Mexico doing about it?

As for the ‘guest worker’ program, why not ask the French how well that has worked out for them? Anyone? Hello? ‘“TAP-TAP-TAP- Is this thing on?

So while I don’t yet know how I feel about armed troops protecting us from the stampede of poor Mexican workers looking for a better life and job, I do know how I feel about the Mexican government. And I say shame on THEM. Do better for your country, and your people, and this won’t be a problem.

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