So here I sit, waiting for my wife to pick me up. Had a meeting 40 miles or so from home. On the way back, my car started to overheat! What to do?
With me is by iPhone and Garmin GPS. I cannot drive more than a half mile without the car getting too hot. So I use Google map to find the closest towing company, but they tell me it will cost around $150.00 to get it back home! I told them thanks, bit no thanks.
I then did a Google map search for auto repair. I found one! So I plugged the address Google maps gave me into my Garmin, and saw I was only 1 mile away!
So here I sit at Bub Sherwood Auto Repair in Galesburg, Michigan, posting this blog from my iPhone, waiting for my wife to pick me up.
I think it is my waterpump.
Cool tools to have in a situation like this.
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